AGEFE – Business Association of the Electric, Home Appliance, Electronics and Information and Communication Technologies Sectors – aims to:
Ensure the representation of activities included in its scope;
Study, publicize and defend all matters that concern the activities included in its scope, namely those related to legal, fiscal, economic and social aspects;
Contribute to the regular functioning of the markets of the sectors they represent;
Combat all unfair competition practices and market distortion or instability factors;
Cooperate with public authorities in the pursuit of adequate regulation of the sectors it represents;
Promote appropriate initiatives for a fair balance between the economic activities pursued by its members and the preservation of a balanced environment;
Organize and maintain services designed to support the activities and interests of its members;
Promote the activities included in its scope, namely fairs, congresses and seminars;
Constitute and manage funds under the terms that are regulated;
Study and defend the interests of companies in the sectors represented in order to guarantee them adequate support;
Promote and disseminate quality and ethics in the relationship between companies and between them and the market;
Conduct and promote training courses.