Following-up on the e-meetings of the Board on 22 June and the Advisory Council on 23 June, EUEW takes the initiative of holding monthly Advocacy Review Meetings.

These aim at providing members with a more targeted business relevant exchange of information and views on topics, which are considered to have an impact on electrical wholesale. The topics will be presented by the Senior EU Affairs Advisor at the monthly e-meeting followed by an exchange of information and views amongst the participants which may result in a common advocacy.
EUEW Monthly Advocacy Meeting: CPR
5 August 2020

The first e-meeting for the Advocacy Review took place on 5 August 2020, on the review of the Construction Product Regulation (CPR). The need and the urgency to address the issue was highlighted at the EUEW Board Conference call on 22 June in view of the impact the review may have on electrical wholesalers and the deadline set by the European Commission for the public consultation on the roadmap of the CPR review. The exchange of views enabled EUEW to draft an opinion on which members were consulted. A feedback to the Commission consultation was published on 19 August.
EUEW Monthly Advocacy Meeting: Digital Services Act
2 September 2020

The second topic of the Advocacy Review on 2 September 2020 will be the upcoming proposal of a Digital Services Act (DSA), which includes a review of the Directive 2000/31/EC on e-commerce and a proposal of an ex-ante regulation on large platforms acting as gatekeeper. The 2nd September e-meeting will take place from 10:00 to 11:00 CET and is intended to give members an overview on the state of discussion at the European institutions before the legal proposals are published by the Commission, which is expected to be in the fourth quarter of 2020.
EUEW Monthly Advocacy Meeting: Renovation Wave Initiative
7 October 2020

The October Advocacy Review Meeting will be on the Renovation Wave Initiative for public and private buildings. Buildings are an indispensable part for reaching the carbon neutrality, energy efficiency and renewable energy objectives set by the Green Deal as the building stock consumes. The communication on the renovation wave initiative is expected to be published by the Commission in September 2020. The elements of interest for electrical wholesalers of this strategic communication will be presented to members at the e-meeting from 10:00 to 11:00 CET on 7 October.
EUEW Monthly Advocacy Meeting: Low Voltage Directive
10 November 2020

The November Advocacy Review Meeting on 10 November will be on the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU (LVD). In the context of the comments received on CPR review in August, members highlighted the link between the CPR review for electrical products and the LVD. The Commission commissioned an Interim Evaluation of the LVD, whose report was published in December 2019. The e-meeting from 13:00 to 14:00 CET on 10 November will inform on latest developments related to the LVD at the level of European institutions.
EUEW Monthly Advocacy Meeting: Skills4Climate
2 December 2020

The December Advocacy Review Meeting on 2 December 2020 will be on skills. In December 2019, EUEW joined the Skills4Climate initiative gathering 11 major European associations requesting to support digital and green skills in the electro-technical sector. The Pact for Skills foresees the establishment of a common charter defining the principles of up-and reskilling by an industrial ecosystem signed by all participating organizations. The formal launch of the Pact for Skills will be on 10 November 2020 in Berlin. The e-meeting from 11:00 to 12:00 CET on 2 December will provide members information on the work done by the Skills4Climate coalition in relation to the Pact for skills and the opportunities for electrical wholesalers resulting from an engagement in the Pact for Skills.